Monday, October 13, 2008

Stay On Target...

My favorite store. Can you guess why? Of course you can.

It's got the most eye catching design. The circles just draw you in and say Pow! It's all amplified by the fact that it's not just one circle but three. Simple and elegant just like circles themselves.

I know, I know, I've been on this logo kick lately. I can't help it though I've been seeing circles everywhere. I'm doing a study this weekend. I have this clicker counter, the kind they use to count people at large events. Well, I'm going to use it to help me log how many circles I see in a day. I'll post my results when I'm done.

See you AROUND -O-

OH OH Oprah

Oh Wow! It's been way too long. Sorry for the long wait everyone but I had a computer meltdown and it destroyed a lot of my work. I'll have to start some new stuff but don't feel bad because I've got some awesome new ideas. More on that later.

As for now I just wanted to highlight another wonderful use of the circle. You go girl.

See you AROUND -O-