Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Apologize

I have to start off this post by apologizing to all my fans.
"I'm sorry for being away soooooo long."
There, now that's out of the way check this out. Click on the image to make it appear bigger then watch the magic.

I can't take credit for this cool bit of awesome circleness. I found it here:

I got a little bummed out to see 2008 go. There's so many circles in that year. 2 0's and an 8. That makes 4 circles. I'm never going to see so many circles in a year in my lifetime again unless I live to be 100 then there will be 5 (2088). Well let's hope I can last that long.

See you AROUND -0-

Monday, October 13, 2008

Stay On Target...

My favorite store. Can you guess why? Of course you can.

It's got the most eye catching design. The circles just draw you in and say Pow! It's all amplified by the fact that it's not just one circle but three. Simple and elegant just like circles themselves.

I know, I know, I've been on this logo kick lately. I can't help it though I've been seeing circles everywhere. I'm doing a study this weekend. I have this clicker counter, the kind they use to count people at large events. Well, I'm going to use it to help me log how many circles I see in a day. I'll post my results when I'm done.

See you AROUND -O-

OH OH Oprah

Oh Wow! It's been way too long. Sorry for the long wait everyone but I had a computer meltdown and it destroyed a lot of my work. I'll have to start some new stuff but don't feel bad because I've got some awesome new ideas. More on that later.

As for now I just wanted to highlight another wonderful use of the circle. You go girl.

See you AROUND -O-

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Magic Circles

This is so cool! I found it here!

Rotating Illusion - Pink Eye Trick
Are you sure you really see it disappear?

If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one colour - pink.
However if you stare at the black “+” in the center, the moving dot turns to green.

Now, concentrate on the black “+” in the center of the picture.
After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.

It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear.
Proof enough that we don't always see what we think we see...

click on the image to get it to work.

Sorry for my lack of posting lately but I've been soooooo busy with my sketch book. I also took a vacation to see my family and got them to contribute some circle drawings. I'll be posting those soon. My sketch book is coming along beautifully and it should be ready to go in the beginning of 2008! You'll want to stay tuned in because they'll be selling out like hot cakes (which are also round, LOL.)

See you AROUND -O-

Friday, September 12, 2008

Great Logo

Here's proof that Obama is a great candidate for President. The logo says it all. OBAMA! His name even starts with an "O".
See you AROUND -O-

Monday, August 25, 2008

Circles In Design and Animation

Hey everybody I've been thinking a lot about circles in design lately, mostly in animation and cartooning and how easy it is to use them. Check this out I think you'll dig it.

So here we have Mickey Mouse. Check out the circles in his anatomy. I can see 4 that stand out pretty prominently. That makes him easy to draw and animate because a circle is a circle no matter what angle you're looking at it from so it makes it real easy for construction. Cool!

Now here is Charlie Brown one of my all time favorite characters. Look how easy his head is to draw. What a great design. Circles make things look awesome and they called him a "Block Head."

This little guy is Pudge. He was in a great animated movie called, "Cats Think They Can Dance." Again you can see how well the animator drew and designed him because they used circles as a way to construct him. Smart!

See you AROUND -O-

Monday, August 18, 2008

We're All Circles

I stand in good company. Even Leonardo da Vinci understood the power of the circle.

See You AROUND -O-