Monday, August 25, 2008

Circles In Design and Animation

Hey everybody I've been thinking a lot about circles in design lately, mostly in animation and cartooning and how easy it is to use them. Check this out I think you'll dig it.

So here we have Mickey Mouse. Check out the circles in his anatomy. I can see 4 that stand out pretty prominently. That makes him easy to draw and animate because a circle is a circle no matter what angle you're looking at it from so it makes it real easy for construction. Cool!

Now here is Charlie Brown one of my all time favorite characters. Look how easy his head is to draw. What a great design. Circles make things look awesome and they called him a "Block Head."

This little guy is Pudge. He was in a great animated movie called, "Cats Think They Can Dance." Again you can see how well the animator drew and designed him because they used circles as a way to construct him. Smart!

See you AROUND -O-

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