Thursday, July 31, 2008

Real Crop Circles

Wow check these out.

wadi rum, jordan :: picture from astrosurf :: area on google maps

kansas, united states :: picture from wikipedia :: area on google maps

It's called Center Pivot Irrigation. I read about it here: DeputyDog. Just goes to show you how cool circles really are

See you AROUND -O-

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready for The World Freehand Circle Drawing Championship

Check this out. I drew a free hand circle in sharpie below.
Then I made a perfect circle in Photoshop (below).
Now this is where it gets interesting. I combined them together in Photoshop to see how close my free hand circle was to a perfect circle. WOW!
I didn't realize I could get that close to a perfect circle. Okay I admit it wasn't my first circle but it was a totally free hand circle done in one complete unbroken stroke. Awesome! I have to practice a bit more and then maybe I'll be ready to enter the "World Freehand Circle Drawing Championship." I might have a chance at unseating Alexander Overwijk if I practice more.
See you AROUND -O-

Monday, July 28, 2008

2 Is Better Than One

Here's a Black Hole. (LOL) I just colored it in.
I made this one using little strokes. That's why it flares out. It's cool because it looks like a pinwheel or one of those flares that spin in a circle. Hope you enjoy.
I'll be back with more later.
See you AROUND -O-

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here's Another

I couldn't wait to post again so here I am with another amazing Circle. I tried a different approach this time. I tried one on newsprint and I held the China Marker above the paper and made a circular motion slowly lowering the China Marker onto the paper. I think it's pretty interesting how one side is so much thicker then the other and there's an interesting wisp of a tail on the top. Until next time...

See you AROUND -O-

It's Been A While

Awesome isn't it? This is the first image I've posted. I'm so sorry I've taken so long to put up an image. I know you're all dieing to see my amazing circles that I'll be posting here. This is number 1 and it's only the beginning. I'll try to be better about keeping my blog up to date. Anyhoo, that's all I've got for now, I'll be back with another amazing, super awesome circle tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day.....etc.

See you AROUND -O-