Monday, August 25, 2008

Circles In Design and Animation

Hey everybody I've been thinking a lot about circles in design lately, mostly in animation and cartooning and how easy it is to use them. Check this out I think you'll dig it.

So here we have Mickey Mouse. Check out the circles in his anatomy. I can see 4 that stand out pretty prominently. That makes him easy to draw and animate because a circle is a circle no matter what angle you're looking at it from so it makes it real easy for construction. Cool!

Now here is Charlie Brown one of my all time favorite characters. Look how easy his head is to draw. What a great design. Circles make things look awesome and they called him a "Block Head."

This little guy is Pudge. He was in a great animated movie called, "Cats Think They Can Dance." Again you can see how well the animator drew and designed him because they used circles as a way to construct him. Smart!

See you AROUND -O-

Monday, August 18, 2008

We're All Circles

I stand in good company. Even Leonardo da Vinci understood the power of the circle.

See You AROUND -O-

Sunday, August 17, 2008

100 Circles In Under a Minute

I wanted to see how many circles I could draw in under a minute. 100. Pretty impressive. It helped that I turned the sketch book on it's side. I tried it the other way and I only managed about 30. This one is definitely going into the self published book. I'm still coming up with titles for the book so if you have any ideas blast them my way.

See you AROUND -O-

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Little Perspective

So I had an incredible revelation the other day. As I was sketching circle after circle I began to realize some of my circles where looking more oval in shape. So to study this better I began to draw some squares around the boxes. Then I realized that if I drew a square in perspective an oval could fit inside it.

So there it is. An oval is nothing more than a circle in perspective. I can't believe I've never seen this before. It just proves that you have to continue to study your subject and you can make all kinds of discoveries.

I'll be back soon with an update for my upcoming project. Here's a hint. Circles can be sexy.

See you AROUND -O-

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sketch Book

Hey everyone. Alright I don't usually do this, but because I haven't had time to layout my new project for you I thought I'd post some pictures form my sketch book to show you my process. Here's some choice pages that I hope to publish in my upcoming self published book that's yet to be titled. Keep checking back for updates on the book. You'll want to grab a copy because they'll be moving fast.

See you AROUND -O-

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Something To Keep You Busy

Sorry I've been away everyone I've been busy with several projects that I'm working on and I'm hoping to have them up and posted pretty soon. They're looking pretty great and I'm pretty sure you're gonna love them. In the meantime here's a You Tube video of Al Overwijk drawing a free hand circle.

It's a pretty good circle but there's really no way to varify how close it is to perfect. At least with mine I compare it to an accurate circle. Also mine is much smaller, a little over an inch in diameter.
I've also changed my Blog. Check out those awesome circles.
See you AROUND -O-